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Free chapter from MarketingSherpas first-ever Landing Page Optimization Benchmark Report.

Key Components of a Successful Landing Page Optimization StrategyLanding page optimization (LPO) is becoming more affordable as it grows in sophistication. In fact the ROI for successful LPO programs is impressive.

According to MarketingSherpa, to be successful LPO must have an objective. That can be as simple as generating a lead or closing a sale. But instead of looking only at the business aspects, you should also frame your objectives in terms of human behavior. In other words, LPO is optimization of websites for specific human behaviors.

The chapter Key Components of a Successful Landing Page Optimization Strategy is about what your website visitors want rather than how to drive them to your website. In it you will find out the different methodologies marketers employ to:

  • Determine visitor motivation
  • Generate relevant experiences
  • Create a model for quantitative evaluation

Based on data from 2,673 marketers, this chapter will give you quantifiable information on:

  • The use and effectiveness of dedicated landing pages vs. your default website
  • The value of competitive intelligence
  • The kinds of metrics collected, and the effectiveness of visitor data in optimizing for relevance
  • Lead quality scores and who is using it
  • Marketing insights on how to create relevant and targeted pages

Start maximizing the ROI of your website traffic today. Download your free copy of Key Components of a Successful Landing Page Optimization Strategy by filling out the form to your left.


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