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Diagnosing the Health of Your Client Relationships

For Agencies and Service Providers

How to Do an Annual Check-up for Your Clients

How to Do an Annual Check-up for Your Clients

Any service provider, such as tech implementers, web developers, or digital agencies, is only as healthy as its client relationships. Happy and loyal clients provide stability and referrals. Unhappy and indifferent clients — or worse, angry or disappointed clients — result in a high rate of client churn and a bad reputation for your brand. For a service provider, one unhealthy relationship can poison its overall well-being. 

So, how do you know if your clients are healthy and happy?

The business-client relationship is a symbiotic organism. It needs regular check-ups to assess and maintain the health of the relationship. In this guide, we outline tips and tricks for maintaining the health and happiness of your clients using both happiness and profitability metrics. Once you know what makes a healthy client relationship, you'll be able to retain and secure only the best clients. 

When you take control of your business’ health and client relationships, the benefits are huge. Your business is able to focus on priorities, maintain a healthy work environment, and eliminate client churn. The best care is preventative care. So don’t keep putting off your annual client check-up!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Diagnosing the Health of Your Client Relationships