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The Business of Creators Report

Free Report

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Find data and insights that provide a clear picture of the creator economy, and learn how creators and brands can collaborate on successful campaigns. 

Content creators and brands: Find out how to work better together in the current creator economy.

Who are content creators? And how can brands organically tap into their audiences? Content creators are “social media influencers'' in the sense that they have an engaged audience, and they consistently create and share high-quality, original content for their audience. Content creators typically educate and inspire, prioritize partnerships, and can make a full-time living through their personal business.

We partnered with The Tilt to survey 300+ marketing and business-specific content creators to learn more about who they are, how they can win the space, and how brands can partner with creators to develop successful campaigns.

In this report, you'll learn more about the content creators in the business and marketing spaces, including the strategies and activities they're prioritizing to be successful. You'll also get tips for creators who are looking to form business partnerships with brands they love.

Brands can benefit from this report by learning more about what marketing and business-focused creators value so that they can attract the right content creators to work with their businesses. We also list several tips for brands looking to create a positive work environment for content creators, leading to stronger partnerships and more successful campaigns.

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Absolutely. Just sharing some free knowledge that we hope you’ll find useful. Keep us in mind next time you have marketing questions!
Get data-backed tips and insights to power your next brand-creator partnership.