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Getting Started with Co-Marketing

Expert insights on co-marketing, from our co-marketing experts at HubSpot.

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3D eBook - Co-Marketing Kit

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Developing and executing a co-marketing campaign starts with writing out a strategy, discovering new partners, creating a co-marketing agreement, and picking the right type of campaign. And with money and time on the line, you want to get every one of these parts correct.

What better way to learn how than to hear it from HubSpot’s Co-Marketing Program, a team that has executed hundreds of campaigns with partners of all sizes?

Inside our Co-Marketing Kit, you’ll get to dive into four case studies from HubSpot’s co-marketing campaigns. Not only that, but we’re providing access to templates we use everyday to manage our campaigns. Download now to get access to these templates, the introductory kit, and case studies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get started with co-marketing today.