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[Webinar] Simplify Your Account Structure and Grow with Google Ads

This event was recorded on April 5, 2023

Automate and Simplify Your Ads Account for Improved Performance and Results 

A well-structured Google Ads account is essential to reaching your audience and achieving your advertising goals. While this may sound simple, the reality is that many of us are manually managing complex accounts, working within disorganized systems, and have too many campaigns with extremely specific goals, leading to worse performance than we want.

Simpler Structure = Simpler Management

In this webinar, we’ll guide you through the power of simplifying your Google Ads account structure, improving performance with efficient automation, and how to launch campaigns with modern Search in mind. Join us on April 5, 2023, to hear from Christopher Klug, Senior Partner Success Manager at Google, about best practices for your Google Ads account structure. Then, get a demo from Jorie Munroe, Senior Professor at HubSpot, on how to successfully integrate your HubSpot and Google Ads accounts. At the end of the event, we’ll have a Q&A on all the content covered in the session. 

Your Speakers

Key Takeaways

Our speakers will demonstrate how you can use HubSpot & Google Ads to simplify and automate your account structure so you can spend more time on what matters most.

During this webinar you’ll learn:
  • the benefits and best practices of a simplified Google Ads account setup
  • the fundamentals of Smart Bidding
  • how automation can drive better creatives and reach for your campaigns
And, you’ll get a step-by-step demonstration of how to do this in HubSpot from Jorie Munroe, one of our knowledgeable Academy Professors. You’ll be able to follow along in your own portal. We'll end with a Q&A and some great resources to help you on your journey to a simpler Google Ads account management.

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