Black@INBOUND Invite-Only Event

How to Pitch to a VC Fund

February 14, 2023
12 - 1pm est

Are you ready to pitch?

In this exclusive event with First Round Capital, we're diving deep into venture capital funding and how to design the right pitch that will secure funding for your business. 

In this engaging fireside chat, attendees will have the opportunity to hear from a dynamic group of venture leaders. Learn exactly what VCs look for in a developing business, common mistakes to avoid during your pitch, and how to make your business stand out. This invite-only event is for founders seeking preseed or Series A funding. Register today to save your seat!

This event is invite-only. 


The speakers will dive into:
  • Tactics founders have leveraged to garner their interest and cultivate relationships
  • Common mistakes and approaches to avoid when trying to pitch
  • Key data points they're looking for to help them evaluate opportunities
  • Perspectives on the current market

Connect with a community of Black professionals from across the globe

Black@INBOUND is an exclusive year-round digital networking community for Black professionals, business owners, and those aspiring to reach the next level.

You will need a free HubSpot account to join this private community.