Quick Wins Workshop and Optional Challenge

Deliver HubSpot quick wins to drive client impact. Monetize them to fuel your firm.
A HubSpot Project Lion program for HubSpot Partners.

Far beyond my expectations and was revolutionary from many angles. I appreciate the energy and generosity of the Project Lion instructors and my classmates.

Andrew McAvinchey
Managing Director, Mount Arbor

If you want to offer simple yet powerful HubSpot solutions that produce more client results and drive more fees for your firm, then the HubSpot Quick Wins Workshop is for you.


In the HubSpot Quick Wins Workshop, you’ll learn how to: 

  • Use HubSpot sales and marketing quick hit solutions to meaningfully impact client results
  • Deliver these solutions largely using HubSpot’s Sales and Marketing Free and Starter software (with a little Professional highlighted to show what is possible).
  • Bundle these solutions with simple services so you can drive revenues 


What are the workshop session dates?  

Because sessions are live and interactive, if you sign up for the workshops, we ask that you are able to attend both sessions and come with your webcam turned on: 

Session 1: Quick Win Magic - Creating profitable projects using compelling HubSpot quick wins. (February 6, 11 AM EST/4 PM GMT)

Session 2: Ladder Up with Quick Wins - How to grow more sizeable and profitable engagements using a progression of quick wins (February 13, 11 AM EST/4 PM GMT)


What are the requirements to join? 

The HubSpot Quick Wins Workshop is open to all HubSpot solutions partners and solutions providers. You do not have to have attended a previous Project Lion program. 

To participate in the workshop, your firm will need to meet these requirements by the first workshop session, February 6. 

You should also plan to have your webcam on during the sessions. 

I’m in. How do I sign up?

Great! We look forward to seeing you. Fill out the form below by February 4. You’ll receive next steps after you complete it. 

We look forward to helping you drive more HubSpot quick wins, more results for your clients, and more fees for your firm. 

Are you up for a challenge?

If you thought the workshop was all there is, think again. Join us for an optional challenge running the two weeks following the workshop. This challenge will push you to continue building your skills and demonstrating your prowess. Should you choose to accept it, the challenge will ask you to: 

  • Become your own best customer by implementing quick wins for yourself 
  • Learn how to effectively demo quick wins to produce a-ha moments 
  • Start seeing real world results, and more.

There will be a reward for all who complete the challenge. Sign up today, and we’ll share more details on the workshop.


Presented by HubSpot’s Project Lion, where HubSpot partners come to sell and grow better together.

Hosted by:

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David Weinhaus, Noora Harju, and Serena Shah

HubSpot Partner Team Coaches


Reserve Your Spot


Thanks for your interest in the Quick Wins Workshop and Optional Challenge. Registration for the program has now closed.

To access program resources including recordings and slides as they become available, visit the Project Lion Facebook Group > Units > Quick Wins Resources. You’ll need to provide your HubID to apply for and be accepted in the Facebook group.