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The Ultimate Public Speaking Kit

Free Resource

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Everything you need to become a strong public speaker, including a guide on crafting compelling presentations, ten customizable PowerPoint templates, and body language tips with video examples.

Nail your next presentation

Presenting in front of people can suck. Nerves cause you to slip up. Graphics on a slide distract your audience. Zoom messes up a video you really wanted the audience to watch.

Thankfully, you can avoid all of these common pitfalls with HubSpot’s Ultimate Public Speaking Kit. Inside, you’ll find a complete guide on how to create a presentation your audience will love, including ways to overcome nerves, ideas to include in your presentation, and more. Plus, we threw in ten PowerPoint templates and ten public speaking tips, including video examples from some amazing public speakers at INBOUND.

After accessing our kit, you’ll feel ready to tackle your next big presentation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Ultimate Public Speaking Kit