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On-Page SEO Template

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Cover Graphic On-Page SEO Template

Save time with content planning and rank higher on Google with the help of this beginner-friendly SEO template from Search Engine Journal and HubSpot.

Implement your SEO strategy with step-by-step guidance.

Optimizing your website for search can be a daunting task. From adding relevant keywords to specific areas of your site to optimizing your site speed, there are several elements of SEO that can effect how your website ranks in search results.
HubSpot and Search Engine Journal have joined forces to help you easily track and improve your on-page SEO elements in this beginner-friendly template.
The step-by-step instructions in this template allow you to plan and prioritize your SEO updates to implement them more quickly and easily. Download the template to get started!

An SEO content template is a blueprint for organizing and creating web pages so that your site will rank well on search. It should provide keywords, suggested page word count, internal and external linking suggestions, and other directives to help you improve your content's SEO. The free on-page SEO template from Search Engine Journal and HubSpot can help you be more efficient with your time and rank well in search results.

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SEO is a process of understanding the needs and intent of your audience. An SEO plan involves research on search terms your audience uses to describe their problems and creating dedicated web pages to attract them:

  1. The most searched terms relevant to your business will often be informational pages.
  2. Transactional searches that include "vs" and "buy" are often searchers ready to become customers.
  3. Branded searches often reveal frequently asked questions your would-be customers expect your website to have an answer of.

Absolutely. Just sharing some free knowledge that we hope you’ll find useful. Keep us in mind next time you have marketing questions!

To do SEO by yourself without hiring a professional:

  1. Learn how to perform keyword research
  2. Use HubSpot's SEO Content Template to map out the corresponding website pages to searches from your website visitors
  3. Perform an SEO competitive analysis to identify the gaps in your SEO content strategy
  4. Create or update existing content with improved title tags, fresher content, and mobile-friendly experience

An SEO content template, sometimes called a content brief, provides copywriters instructions on what the important searcher intents are for a particular keyword topic, what the page URL should be, and how to increase search result click throughs by optimizing page titles and meta descriptions.

The biggest obstacle to creating great SEO content is knowing what makes content great. In order to be better than your competitors, your website's content needs to be better structured, more in-depth, and tailored to solving the problems a website visitor is looking to answer. This free on-page SEO template can help you structure a website filled with good search engine optimized content.

Ensure you're optimizing all of your pages for search engines.