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10 Free Social Media Templates

Templates to Help You Manage, Optimize, and Create More Social Content

Join thousands of professionals using this resource.


It’s time to optimize your social media marketing efforts

If you’ve ever managed social media before, you know that just keeping track of all of the social media content, metrics, accounts, and posts is a huge feat in itself. Plus, as a social media manager, your job isn’t just to keep track of everything: you also have to post, engage with followers, and analyze your successes.,The job of a social media manager will never be easy, but there are ways to add a little process and organization into your flow to make your job a little easier. That’s why Sprout Social and HubSpot teamed up to bring you a bundle of social media templates our own social media managers use to make their jobs and lives easier.,You'll find templates to manage your posts and inspiration for every social channel. We’ve also provided reporting and analysis templates for both organic and paid. Plus, we’ve included additional templates such as our yearly hashtag calendar, request for proposal template, and social media client proposal template.

Frequenty Asked Questions (FAQs)

Use expert-made templates to improve your social media marketing strategy today