Founders: Learn How to Survive & Thrive with Leadership Coaching

HubSpot invites startup founders to attend our latest session with an International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited and certified leadership coach, where we will explore the skillset needed to effectively lead your business to success. And why coaching is a necessity for founders to navigate the often treacherous journey of entrepreneurship.


24 September 2024 @ 11am GMT+1 | 12pm CET | 6pm SGT

🎁 Registrants will receive a 30-minute free coaching session from an independent and experienced leadership coach.

leadership coach

About the Session

Join HubSpot and accredited leadership coach, Paraic Keenan, for a leadership session on how startup founders can develop a skillset that helps them not only survive their journey, but go on to thrive, and achieve great things in the startup space.
Picture yourself at the helm of a ship navigating uncharted territories.
As the leader, you are tasked with making critical decisions, steering through storms, navigating unpredictable currents, and traversing the vast expanse of the open sea. Doesn't this parallel the journey of a startup founder?
Embarking on a new business endeavour can be both thrilling and demanding. Yet the journey through the intricate terrain of launching and managing a startup necessitates more than sheer willpower.
This is where the significance of leadership coaching for startups becomes evident.


What will we be covering:

  • Misconceptions about leadership coaching: What does startup leadership coaching actually entail? 

  • Essential skills for startup founders: What specific set of skills do founders need to effectively lead their growing teams?

  • How to communicate, and receive feedback: Many founders will be actively raising, which means speaking to investors, clearly communicating their vision, and hearing hard-to-swallow feedback

  • Building confidence and motivation: Being a founder can come with uncertainty and self-doubt. What can founders do to cultivate a growth mindset, and maintain motivation in the face of challenges?

  • Finding the right leadership coach: Finding the right leadership coach is crucial for a successful coaching engagement.

  • And much more

🎁 Free Gift:

KeenEdge Consulting will be providing every startup founder who signs up to the free HubSpot for Startups program, with a complementary 30-minute coaching session.

Once you've signed up to the free HubSpot for Startups program, please check your inbox for the link to book time with KeenEdge Consulting.


Meet the Speakers

Paraic Keenan

Paraic Keenan - Founder & Accredited Leadership Coach @ KeenEdge Consulting

With 20+ years leadership and management experience across a range of industries, Paraic understands the expectations of working in evolving business environments where the pace of change is ever present.

Having access to an independent coach as a soundboard and a cheerleader helps you unpack and untangle your thoughts to gain clarity to move forward.

From 1:1 coaching, team coaching, emotional intelligence assessments, 360 feedback, workshops and webinar delivery, Paraic works with individuals and teams to maximise their potential and live their purpose.

Paraic helps founders uncover their strengths, opportunities, blind spots, motives, emotions, core values, beliefs, and behaviours to consistently show up with confidence and conviction.

gary corcoran

Gary Corcoran - Head International @ HubSpot for Startups

Head of International at HubSpot for Startups, Gary's mission is to help startups grow better, by changing the way entrepreneurs execute inbound marketing and sales.

Gary successfully co-founded an eSports startup back in 2015, and has been helping international startups and founders grow better using HubSpot since 2017. He knows all to well what happens when you don't have good systems and processes in place to scale and grow.

Register to Attend

If you're a startup backed by one of our 7000+ approved partners, you are eligible for exclusive perks!

  • Access to HubSpot's free-forever CRM.
  • Get approved for 30%-75% off HubSpot's paid tools using this link. Select your approved partner when applying.