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101 Examples of Effective Calls to Action   Free EbookEnhancing the look and feel of your calls-to-action is a great start to optimized lead generation. Yet, reading about best practices isnt the same as seeing them. Thats why we want to introduce you to a lot of call-to-action examples that will show you how top marketing tips are actually put into practice.

Grab our "101 Examples of Effective Calls-to-Action" to find out what works and how you can incorporate successful practices in your marketing. These examples will inspire you, foster your creativity and prepare you to create some stellar calls-to-action.

In this ebook you will see examples of calls-to-action that:

  • Make good use of text and video
  • Facilitate segmentation of buyer personas
  • Reduce visitors' anxiety and offer incentives for conversion
  • Incorporate smart design decisions

and more...after all, there are 101 of them!

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