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Industry Guide Series

Customer Connection Data Charts and Citations

1. Decision makers' opinions on connection levels

These insights are based on a survey of Marketing and Sales strategy decision makers with 1-2,000 employees across US, Canada, Germany, UK, France, Australia, Japan and Singapore conducted in March-April 2023 by HubSpot. The chart displays data based on respondent's answers to the question "How connected do you think the following are in your organization overall?" on a 10 point scale (1 - Very poorly connected, 10 - Very well connected). Numbers represent the percent of the respondents who selected a 9 out of 10 rating or higher.


2. Content assistant usage patterns by industry

These insights are based on data from HubSpot customers who owned Marketing Hub Professional or Enterprise and Sales Hub Professional or Enterprise and who actively used deals in 2021-2022 (n=8,682).


3. Growth by prevalence of connection behavior

These insights are based on a weighted average of year over year (2021 vs. 2022) growth of number of deals marked closed-won in HubSpot CRM by customers who owned Marketing Hub Professional/Enterprise, Sales Hub Professional/Enterprise or Service Hub Professional/Enterprise for at least 2 years (n=5,484). The "Bottom 20%," "Baseline" and “Top 20%” designations are assigned to companies based on their utilization of connection tools tailored to their respective cohorts. The "connection gap" refers to the disparity in deal growth between these groups with pp representing points of additional absolute growth. For example, 10pp means 10 points of additional absolute growth (i.e., from 7% to 17%).


4. Growth by prevalence of connection behavior - Manufacturing

These insights are based on a weighted average of year over year (2021 vs. 2022) growth of number of deals marked closed-won in HubSpot CRM by our customers in the Manufacturing industry who owned Marketing Hub Professional/Enterprise, Sales Hub Professional/Enterprise or Service Hub Professional/Enterprise for at least 2 years (n=336). The "Bottom 20%," "Baseline" and “Top 20%” designations are assigned to companies based on their utilization of connection features tailored to their respective cohorts. The "connection gap" refers to the disparity in deals growth between these groups with pp representing points of additional absolute growth. For example, 10pp means 10 points of additional absolute growth (i.e., from 7% to 17%).


5. AI tool adoption by industry 

These insights are based on the usage data from HubSpot customers who owned Marketing Hub Professional or Enterprise and Sales Hub Professional or Enterprise and who actively used deals in 2021-2022 (n=8,682). Top 20% and Bottom 20% cohorts based on usage (# of features, quantity of use) of statistically significant connection-driving tools. Analysis assumes that Top/Bottom 20% customers from 2021-2022 have continued to behave as Top/Bottom 20% for 2023.


6. Incremental growth by # of customer journey stages engaged

These insights are based the median year over year (2021 vs. 2022) growth of number of deals marked closed-won in HubSpot CRM by customers who owned Marketing Hub Professional/Enterprise, Sales Hub Professional/Enterprise or Service Hub Professional/Enterprise for at least 2 years (n=5,484). “Engaging” in a stage of the customer journey means using at least one connection tool/feature of that journey stage (i.e., aware, prospect, lead, deal, customer) that was shown to be a statistically significant predictor of growth for their cohort. "pp" represents points of additional absolute growth. For example, 10pp means 10 points of additional absolute growth (i.e., from 7% to 17%).


7. Number of connection tools used across customer journey stage by industry

These insights are based on usage data from HubSpot customers who owned Marketing Hub Professional or Enterprise and Sales Hub Professional or Enterprise and who actively used deals in 2021-2022 (n=3,562). Numbers in the chart represent the average number of connection-driving tools used within each customer journey stage. The “Top 20%” designation is assigned to companies based on their usage of tools that were significant predictors of growth for their cohort.


8. Connection across customer journey stages by industry

These insights are based on data from customers who owned Marketing Hub Professional/Enterprise, Sales Hub Professional/Enterprise or Service Hub Professional/Enterprise for at least 2 years (n=5,484). The percentages represent the % of all customers (inclusive of the Top 20%) and % of the Top 20% records that engaged in all 5 customer journey stages (i.e., aware, prospect, lead, deal, customer) in a given month. “Engaging” in a stage of the customer journey means using at least one feature of that journey stage that was shown to be a statistically significant predictor of growth. The “Top 20%” designation is assigned to companies based on their usage of product features that were significant predictors of growth for their industry.


9. Human-led vs. scaled tools across customer journey

These insights are based on models built to predict year-over-year deal growth for customers based on their usage of connection features/tools. The sample included customers who owned Marketing Hub Professional/Enterprise, Sales Hub Professional/Enterprise or Service Hub Professional/Enterprise for at least 2 years (n=5,484). Based on these models, a total of 27 connection features/tools found to be statistically significant predictors of growth. These tools were then classified into a customer journey stage and as human (1:1) or scaled (1:many). Percentages are based on the prevalence of each tool type within that customer journey stage.


10. Growth by # of customer journey stages engaged - human and scaled tools

These insights are based on the median year over year (2021 vs. 2022) growth of number of deals marked closed-won in HubSpot CRM by customers who owned Marketing Hub Professional/Enterprise, Sales Hub Professional/Enterprise or Service Hub Professional/Enterprise for at least 2 years (n=5,484). “Engaging” in a stage of the customer journey means using at least one connection tool/feature, classified as human-led (1:1) or scaled (1:many), of that journey stage (i.e., aware, prospect, lead, deal, customer) that was shown to be a statistically significant predictor of growth for their cohort. Human-led tools are restricted to 4 stages instead of 5 because aware stage has only scaled (1:many) tools.


11. Connection tools that drive growth by industry 

These insights are based on models built to predict year-over-year deal growth for customers based on their usage of connection features/tools. The sample included customers who owned Marketing Hub Professional/Enterprise, Sales Hub Professional/Enterprise or Service Hub Professional/Enterprise for at least 2 years that were in the Software/IT, Professional Services, or Manufacturing industry (n=5,484).


12. Growth by # of tools used in each customer journey stage

These insights are based on a weighted average of year over year (2021 vs. 2022) growth of number of deals marked closed-won in HubSpot CRM by customers who owned Marketing Hub Professional/Enterprise, Sales Hub Professional/Enterprise or Service Hub Professional/Enterprise for at least 2 years (n=5,484). Numbers on the x-axis represent the number of connection-driving tools used in that stage.


13. Customer connection - Growth by prevalence of connection behavior - Software/IT

These insights are based on a weighted average of year over year (2021 vs. 2022) growth of number of deals marked closed-won in HubSpot CRM by our customers in the Professional Services industry who owned Marketing Hub Professional/Enterprise, Sales Hub Professional/Enterprise or Service Hub Professional/Enterprise for at least 2 years (n=1,384). The "Bottom 20%," "Baseline" and “Top 20%” designations are assigned to companies based on their utilization of connection features tailored to their respective cohorts. The "connection gap" refers to the disparity in deals growth between these groups with pp representing points of additional absolute growth. For example, 10pp means 10 points of additional absolute growth (i.e., from 7% to 17%).


14. Customer connection - Growth by prevalence of connection behavior - Professional Services

These insights are based on a weighted average of year over year (2021 vs. 2022) growth of number of deals marked closed-won in HubSpot CRM by our customers in the Professional Services industry who owned Marketing Hub Professional/Enterprise, Sales Hub Professional/Enterprise or Service Hub Professional/Enterprise for at least 2 years (n=1,384). The "Bottom 20%," "Baseline" and “Top 20%” designations are assigned to companies based on their utilization of connection features tailored to their respective cohorts. The "connection gap" refers to the disparity in deals growth between these groups with pp representing points of additional absolute growth. For example, 10pp means 10 points of additional absolute growth (i.e., from 7% to 17%).