Protecting Your Business and Customers From The Rising Threat of Cyber Crime

On-Demand Webinar
Free Security Kit Download Upon Registration
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The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to record-breaking cybercrime.

It’s a perfect storm: Global quarantining at an unprecedented scale means that bad actors are focusing their efforts online, while more people than ever are going online both for business and leisure. Combine this with the worldwide fear and uncertainty of the virus, and you have an audience primed to be sucked into scams.

It’s more important than ever to protect yourself, your business and your customers online. And luckily, it’s pretty easy to do.

Alyssa Robinson, Deputy CISO at HubSpot, sits down with cybercrime experts from Rapid7, Cybereason, and Sohpos to discuss what the average sales, marketing, or operations professional needs to know to keep their business safe.

By registering for this webinar you'll also get immediate free access to our free resource, Keeping Your Business Secure: A Checklist For Basic Website Safety, created in partnership with Sophos. 

Our Webinar Panel of Experts Will Discuss:


What is the Potential Impact of Cybercrime?

Data is currency in the world we live in today and data-theft. can have serious ramifications.  


What Type of Attacks are Most Common?

What vulnerabilities are experts most aware of now, and what do they predict will be on the rise in the future?


How Can You Keep Your Business Safe?

What systems and training can you put into place to keep your business, employees, and customers out of trouble?

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This webinar originally took place at 10 AM PT | 1PM ET on August 27, 2020. Upon completed the form you will be redirected to the recording as well as the checklist.

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Check out our new educational series focusing on the shifts you need to make to build a marketing strategy for today’s unique situation and tomorrow’s new economy.