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Removing Friction From Your Flywheel

Available on-demand

Join HubSpot's Rich Mander and learn how moving from the funnel to a flywheel drives business growth and customer delight.


Walk onto the marketing or sales floor of any modern office and chances are you’ll see a funnel, hear people talking about a funnel, or be asked to draw a funnel yourself. For years, companies have structured their business strategies around the funnel — and it worked. But recently, the funnel has begun to fail marketers, salespeople, and business leaders alike. Today, customer referrals and word-of-mouth have become the largest influence on the purchase process, which means the funnel has one major flaw: It views customers as an afterthought, not a driving force. 

There's a much more efficient way to attract new customers and retain existing ones. In this webinar, HubSpot's Rich Mander will explain how a Flywheel model can help your business. With the flywheel model, the focus is on every team in the entire company to attract, engage, and delight customers. When all of your teams are aligned around the inbound methodology, you can provide a more holistic, delightful experience to anyone who interacts with your business.

Speakers & Agenda

  • Rich Mander

    Inbound Consultant

    Rich is an Inbound Consultant and typically works with HubSpot’s most complex customers helping them with business strategies and all things HubSpot.

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