Retaining Customers During Difficult Times

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Keeping your customers happy has always been important for businesses.

Happy customers are more likely to retain through tough times, refer more people, and spend more money with you in the future. At a time when new business is hard to generate, current customers are the lifeblood of many companies. 

Join HubSpot Product General Manager Ying Chen and HubSpot Director of Customer Success Celine Kimberly as they sit down to talk about how to prioritize your customers during the current economic crisis.

We Discuss:


Why Customer Retention Matters Now More than Ever

We'll dig into the data and understand what customers care about right now. 

How to Proactively Create Happy Customers

What tools and systems can you set up to make it easy for your customers to find the resources they need?


How to Empower Your Team to Be Helpful

Whether you run a customer success org of hundreds of employees or just a handful, you'll hear strategies for making your team more efficient. 

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This webinar took place at 11 AM ET on May 28, 2020. You can find the slides from the recording here.

Check out our new educational series focusing on the shifts you need to make to build a marketing strategy for today’s unique situation and tomorrow’s new economy.