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The State of Platforms 2024

Original marketplace and partnerships data on the 50 largest SaaS companies. 
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Market Data and Insights

This in-depth report covers:

  • Data on the platform ecosystems of the top 50 software companies.
  • App and service marketplace features and how they can improve the customer experience. 
  • The rise of the Chief Partner Officer, their role in or out of the C-suite, and the size of partnership teams at the 50 largest software companies.
  • Perspectives on platform ecosystems and strategy from 8 leading executives, including the Global Head of Partner Programs at Stripe, SVP of Global Partners at Avalara, Partner and Head of Business Development at Sapphire Ventures, and the Chief Strategy Officer, McFayden and Digital Co-chair, MIT Platform Strategy Summit.

Download the report now to understand platform ecosystems, how they operate, where they are headed, and how to leverage them to grow.

State of Platforms Graphs

According to leaders at McKinsey, ecosystems will drive 30 percent of the global economy by 2030. Learn more about thriving platform ecosystems.

Authored by Scott Brinker, Asher Mathew, and Jay McBain, and Kelly Sarabyn, the report uncovers market insights on the platform business model from studying the 50 largest software companies. 

The data collected for this report shows that the companies driving the most revenue have a thriving ecosystem of service, channel, and technology partners. 

Platforms and their partners are creating powerful flywheels that drive customer acquisition and retention. As this business model transforms the tech industry, software companies need to strategically leverage these ecosystems to grow.

In addition to providing data on the top 50 software companies, this report provides perspectives from industry experts on platforms, partnerships, and the new way of going to market. 

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